Motorola Moto G — Moto G4 Plus Loop infinito se instalar a rom original

  • Respostas:91
  • Posts no fórum: 57

17/02/2018, 16:17:42 via Web

Boa tarde a todos, estou com um problema com um moto g4 plus xt1640, ele não estava reconhecendo o wifi e nem dos chips, resetei ele e nada, passei a rom XT1640 e ele ficou em loop infinito, fiz o precedimento certinho, os comando e tudo, mesmo passando a rom 6.0 e 7.0 ele nao sai do loop, ja testei outras rom e nada tbm, foi ai que passei uma rom xt1641 e ele saiu di loop, mais não pega o wifi e nem os chips, no comando *#06# para ver o imei e só escrito MEID, gostaria de alguma ajuda para esse problema pois mesmo passando outras rom o moto g4 plus fica em loop, passei a rom com o bootloader travado e destravado.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

17/02/2018, 16:44:37 via Web

A variante ai da placa deve ser a athene
Siga o procedimento desse fórum aqui do android pit, mas na hora da rom
Baixe do site da stock rom a rom
Xt1640 athene 35.93.14/16

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

17/02/2018, 16:46:18 via Web

Marcos Antonio Gavaldão

A variante ai da placa deve ser a athene
Siga o procedimento desse fórum aqui do android pit, mas na hora da rom
Baixe do site da stock rom a rom
Xt1640 athene 35.93.14/16


Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

17/02/2018, 16:47:12 via Web

Corrigindo 25.93.14/16

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 00:37:23 via Web

Obrigado Marcos Antonio, vou tentar ai agora

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 01:01:07 via Web

Não estou conseguindo abrir a gpt.bin e bootloader.img da erro

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 01:30:31 via Web

Voce tem de flashear com o adb fastboot.

fastboot flash gtp.img
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 01:36:59 via Web

Coloque na pasta do fastboot depois flasheia.
Após isso flasheia a rom que baixou.
Vai informar erro mas faça o processo de flash ste o final, tofos os códigos.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 02:08:40 via Web

Marcos no primeiro comando deu isso

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot1\mfastboot>mfastboot flash gtp.imp
unknown partition 'gtp.imp'
error: cannot determine image filename for 'gtp.imp'

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 02:15:48 via Web

olha ai

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot1\mfastboot>mfastboot flash partition gpt
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.026s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.101s]
finished. total time: 0.129s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot1\mfastboot>mfastboot flash bootloader bo
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.130s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.439s]
finished. total time: 0.573s

  • Posts no fórum: 1 155

18/02/2018, 03:20:20 via Web


olha ai

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot1\mfastboot>mfastboot flash partition gpt
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.026s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.101s]
finished. total time: 0.129s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot1\mfastboot>mfastboot flash bootloader bo
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.130s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.439s]
finished. total time: 0.573s

Alessandro, o problema é que alguns aparelhos da Motorola quando baixamos as ROM's de alguns sites, elas vêm com problemas na hora da instalação e é preciso baixar várias vezes de sites diferentes até que se encontre uma que funcione. Digo isso porque já passei por isso quando tentei reinstalar a ROM de um Moto G4 Plus da minha mãe. Deu o maior trabalho, mas eu consegui.
Só precisas ter o cuidado de baixar a ROM certa pro aparelho e depois seguir o procedimento com cuidado. Uma outra dica que eu dou, é tentar instalar a ROM usando o RSD lite. Eu tenho um Moto Z Play que dá erro toda vez que eu tento instalar a ROM pelo fastboot, mas pelo RSD Lite funcionou tranquilo. Espero que isso ajude a resolver o problema.

Antes de baixar outra vez a ROM, tenta instalar a ROM que estiver aí contigo. Claro, se tiver.

— alterado em 18/02/2018, 03:22:01

Galaxy J7 Pro
Moto X Force
Galaxy Tab S3

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 14:45:28 via Web

Agora é flashear a rom que vc baixou do stock rom aquela que informei.
Athene xt1640 25.93.14/16

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 15:23:50 via Web

Bom dia, o RSD Lite não esta reconhecendo a porta com, os driver ja estão instalados, tenho um moto 4 normal aqui, fiz o teste com ele, porém o RSD não reconhece tbm, alguma dica?

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 15:56:50 via Web

Baixaei a versão mais recente de deu certo porém da esse erro, Failed flashing process 3/27 flash partition ''gpt.bin'' Phone returned

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 16:16:59 via Web

Você baixou aquela que falei?
Athene (é a original do xt1640)
Você fez o flash pelo adb fastboot?
Coloque novamente na pasta do fastboot os dois arquivos que vc baixou (gtp.bim e bootloader.img
Faça os dois comandos de flash de novo do gtp.bin e do bootloader
Depois quando colocar a rom na pasta do fastboot para flashear, não substitua os arquivos, gtp.bin e bootloader.img
Agora flasheia a rom

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 16:35:35 via Web

Marcos Antonio Gavaldão

Você baixou aquela que falei?
Athene (é a original do xt1640)
Você fez o flash pelo adb fastboot?
Coloque novamente na pasta do fastboot os dois arquivos que vc baixou (gtp.bim e bootloader.img
Faça os dois comandos de flash de novo do gtp.bin e do bootloader
Depois quando colocar a rom na pasta do fastboot para flashear, não substitua os arquivos, gtp.bin e bootloader.img
Agora flasheia a rom

Você usa o mfastboot,
Eu prefiro o minimal adb and fastboot versão 1.4.2 que funciona bem para mim.

Os comandos do flash são estes,
Se vc usar o mfastboot coloque o "m" na frente.
Se quiser ser rápido, abra o bloco de notas, copie os comandos e salve como comandos.bat
Depois coloque na pasta do fastboot
Aí é só clicar duas vezes em cima dele.
fastboot flash oem lock
fastboot oem lock
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash dsp adspso.bin
fastboot flash oem oem.img
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.3
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.5
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.6
fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.7
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase customize
fastboot erase clogo
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
fastboot reboot

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 16:46:45 via Web

Marcos baixei XT1640_ATHENE_7.0_NPJ25.93-14_[], coloquei os 2 arquivos gpt.bim e bootloader.img fiz os 2 comandos flash partition gpt.bin e flash bootloader bootloader.img, depois coloquei a rom na mesma pasta mas não substitui o gpt.bin e bootloader.img, dei os comando novamente e depois do reboot o moto g4 plus liga mais fica em loop novamente, não sei oque eu estou fazendo de errado

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 17:04:50 via Web

Marcos o minimal adb and fastboot versão não usei ainda, é a mesma coisa?? tem que colar a rom na pasta dele

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 17:17:58 via Web

É a mesma coisa. Só que não usa mfastboot flash e só fastboot flash
Vc cola os dois arquivos gtp e bootloader que baixou e flasheia novamente.
Depois cola os arquivos da rom e flasheia
Com os comandos acima ou se fez o bloco de notas, cole o aquivo que salvou como comandos.bat e dê dois cliques nele.
Pode apresentar que tem erro más vá ate o final.
Pronto se deu certo o telefone vai reiniciar como novo.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 17:35:08 via Web

Deu esse erro quando coloquei os 2 arquivos

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:partition: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.042s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.109s]
finished. total time: 0.154s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:bootloader: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.138s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.449s]
finished. total time: 0.590s

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 17:43:35 via Web

Passe a rom pra ver.
O bootloader passou.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 18:10:29 via Web

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:partition: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.044s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.109s]
finished. total time: 0.156s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:bootloader: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.150s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.445s]
finished. total time: 0.597s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash logo logo.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:logo: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'logo' (2105 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.086s]
writing 'logo'...
OKAY [ 0.068s]
finished. total time: 0.157s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash boot boot.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:boot: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.544s]
writing 'boot'...
(bootloader) Image signed with key bad key

OKAY [ 0.403s]
finished. total time: 0.949s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:recovery: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (16484 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.541s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) Image signed with key bad key

OKAY [ 0.439s]
finished. total time: 0.984s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash dsp adspso.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:dsp: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'dsp' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.535s]
writing 'dsp'...
OKAY [ 0.261s]
finished. total time: 0.800s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash oem oem.img
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:oem: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'oem' (96490 KB)...
OKAY [ 3.065s]
writing 'oem'...
OKAY [ 1.408s]
finished. total time: 4.476s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (261001 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.252s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.862s]
finished. total time: 12.117s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (250858 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.937s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.763s]
finished. total time: 11.704s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (254625 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.054s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.928s]
finished. total time: 11.985s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.3
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (261577 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.272s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.485s]
finished. total time: 11.760s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (260443 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.237s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 4.119s]
finished. total time: 12.359s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.5
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (248842 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.869s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.540s]
finished. total time: 11.413s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.6
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (259549 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.209s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 4.411s]
finished. total time: 12.623s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.7
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:system: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'system' (82497 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.625s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 1.157s]
finished. total time: 3.784s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:modem: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'modem' (76954 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.448s]
writing 'modem'...
OKAY [ 1.139s]
finished. total time: 3.589s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase modemst1
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:modemst1: not found
erasing 'modemst1'...
OKAY [ 0.040s]
finished. total time: 0.041s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase modemst2
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:modemst2: not found
erasing 'modemst2'...
OKAY [ 0.054s]
finished. total time: 0.056s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:fsg: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'fsg' (2040 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.085s]
writing 'fsg'...
OKAY [ 0.077s]
finished. total time: 0.164s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase cache
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:cache: not found
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.033s]
finished. total time: 0.034s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase userdata
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:userdata: not found
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 0.098s]
finished. total time: 0.099s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase customize
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:cus: not found
erasing 'customize'...
OKAY [ 0.028s]
finished. total time: 0.030s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot erase clogo
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slot:clogo: not found
erasing 'clogo'...
OKAY [ 0.031s]
finished. total time: 0.032s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
OKAY [ 0.173s]
finished. total time: 0.174s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot reboot
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found

finished. total time: 0.186s

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 18:12:41 via Web

Faz 3 dias que to quebrando a cabeça aqui, a rom stock romMotoG4_XT1641_XT1643_601_MPJ24.139-13.1 instalo normal, mais ela não da seinal dos chips e nem rede wifi

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 18:19:21 via Web

Se ela instala normal então passe só o gtp.bin e o bootloader.img, vê se não da erro nos dois.
Se nao der ai passe a xt1640, sem flashear o gtp.bin e bootloader.img
Já vi alguem mesclar alho parecido.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 18:29:26 via Web

usando o mfastboot os arquivos gpt.bin e bootloader.img ficam assim

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash partition gpt.
< waiting for device >
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.017s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.119s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash bootloader boo
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.131s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.435s]
finished. total time: 0.568s


Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 18:30:20 via Web

Ou também instalar essa que funciona,
Depois instalar o twrp xt1640 athene,
(Baixe e renomeie só como twrp.img)
substituindo o recovery.
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
Depois entra no recovery e no twrp de wipe cache, wipe data, depois wipe avançado e depois remont partições.
Aí passar a rom athene xt1640 que falei.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 18:36:37 via Web

olha como fica essa rom, mais não funciona o wifi e nem os chips

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash partition gpt.
< waiting for device >
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.017s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.119s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash bootloader boo
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.131s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.435s]
finished. total time: 0.568s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot oem fb_mode_set
OKAY [ 0.004s]
finished. total time: 0.005s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash partition gpt.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.040s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.107s]
finished. total time: 0.149s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash bootloader boo
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'bootloader' (3651 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.148s]
writing 'bootloader'...
(bootloader) validating: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) will pass: flash:aboot
(bootloader) will pass: flash:rpm
(bootloader) will pass: flash:tz
(bootloader) will pass: flash:hyp
(bootloader) will pass: flash:cmnlib
(bootloader) will pass: flash:keymaster
(bootloader) will pass: flash:sbl1
(bootloader) committing: bootloader.default.xml ...
(bootloader) - flashing 'emmc_appsboot.mbn' to 'aboot'
(bootloader) - flashing 'rpm.mbn' to 'rpm'
(bootloader) - flashing 'tz.mbn' to 'tz'
(bootloader) - flashing 'hyp.mbn' to 'hyp'
(bootloader) - flashing 'cmnlib.mbn' to 'cmnlib'
(bootloader) - flashing 'keymaster.mbn' to 'keymaster'
(bootloader) - flashing 'sbl1.mbn' to 'sbl1'
OKAY [ 0.446s]
finished. total time: 0.596s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash logo logo.bin
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'logo' (2155 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.088s]
writing 'logo'...
OKAY [ 0.057s]
finished. total time: 0.147s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash boot boot.img
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'boot' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.546s]
writing 'boot'...
(bootloader) Image not signed or corrupt

OKAY [ 0.243s]
finished. total time: 0.792s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash recovery recov
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'recovery' (16484 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.545s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) Image not signed or corrupt

OKAY [ 0.243s]
finished. total time: 0.791s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash dsp adspso.bin

target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'dsp' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.537s]
writing 'dsp'...
OKAY [ 0.258s]
finished. total time: 0.799s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash oem oem.img
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'oem' (115185 KB)...
OKAY [ 3.656s]
writing 'oem'...
OKAY [ 1.599s]
finished. total time: 5.258s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (257282 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.139s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.811s]
finished. total time: 11.954s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (258607 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.182s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.414s]
finished. total time: 11.599s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (258388 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.173s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.449s]
finished. total time: 11.626s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (252313 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.980s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.265s]
finished. total time: 11.248s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (254404 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.049s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.547s]
finished. total time: 11.599s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (257292 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.140s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.269s]
finished. total time: 11.412s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (260453 KB)...
OKAY [ 8.239s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 3.735s]
finished. total time: 11.978s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash system system.
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'system' (155082 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.913s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 2.082s]
finished. total time: 6.998s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash modem NON-HLOS
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'modem' (76849 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.444s]
writing 'modem'...
OKAY [ 1.115s]
finished. total time: 3.562s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase modemst1
erasing 'modemst1'...
OKAY [ 0.029s]
finished. total time: 0.030s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase modemst2
erasing 'modemst2'...
OKAY [ 0.038s]
finished. total time: 0.039s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'fsg' (1864 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.079s]
writing 'fsg'...
OKAY [ 0.060s]
finished. total time: 0.142s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase cache
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.019s]
finished. total time: 0.020s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase userdata
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 0.085s]
finished. total time: 0.086s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase customize
erasing 'customize'...
OKAY [ 0.014s]
finished. total time: 0.016s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot erase clogo
erasing 'clogo'...
OKAY [ 0.017s]
finished. total time: 0.019s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot oem fb_mode_clear
OKAY [ 0.004s]
finished. total time: 0.005s

C:\Users\Alessandro\Downloads\mfastboot\mfastboot>mfastboot reboot

finished. total time: 0.006s


Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 19:21:37 via Web

Essa é a 41 ou a que falei?
Deu erro no boot e recovery só,
O telefone ligou?

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 19:31:29 via Web

Essa é a 41, ele ligou normal, mais sem o sinal wifi e não reconhece os chips

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 19:41:21 via Web

Acho que poderia tentar passar aquela original que falei xt1640 athene 25.93.14/16
Mas sem flashear o bootloader porque vc está com o da 41

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 19:55:08 via Web

Marcos acabe de fazer oque vc falou de passar a rom xt1640 sem flashear o boot, mais o celular inincia em loop tbm =/ mais alguma dica, pois não sei mais oque fazer, estou baixando outras rom de outros site pra testar aqui

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 20:26:33 via Web

Sem flashear o bootloader mas o boot sim
fastboot flash boot boot.img

Caso contrario.
Tem a instalação pelo twrp.
Tem de ver se instala, mas teria de ser então com a rom 41 que liga ele.
Flashear o twrp "athene" no recovery e
Formatar tudo e instalar por ele.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

18/02/2018, 21:20:33 via Web

Marcos sobre o RSD Lite ele da esse erro Failed flashing process 3/27 flash partition ''gpt.bin'' Phone returned

passei a rom xt1640 e a xt1641 tbm para no 3/27, sabe oque pode ser isso?

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

18/02/2018, 22:48:37 via Web

Gtp.bin é quem cria as participações, se falhar o processo para.
Tenta instalar o twrp e formatar por ele e recriar as participações para depois flashear
Pesquise como instalar twrp no moto g4 plus, porque esse link não posso colocar que é YouTube.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

19/02/2018, 00:37:07 via Web

Marcos ainda não consegui ligar o moto g4 plus, fiz de tudo ja, fiz oque vc falou tbm e não consegui, ele só liga com a rom MotoG4_XT1641_XT1643_601_MPJ24.139-13.1 , ta tenso fiquei quase o dia todo tentando achar uma solução e nada =/.
Alguém tem alguma dica ou ja passou por isso que tenha conseguido??

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

19/02/2018, 01:46:42 via Web

Como disse antes com ele funcionando com a 1641, instale o twrp no recovery
Ai você poderá recuperar as partições originais e instalar a xt1640.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

19/02/2018, 02:10:33 via Web

Tem algum tutorial que mostei como faz? pq nunca fiz esse processo antes, desculpas

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

19/02/2018, 02:33:58 via Web

Você tem de baixar o twrp para a versão do seu aparelho
Depois de baixado e descompactado, renomeie para twrp.img.
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img

Aqui explica como instalar em outro modelo mas é a mesma coisa.
Aonde coloquei # mude para ponto.


Aqui também

Aqui como funciona.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

19/02/2018, 02:35:49 via Web

Obrigado Marcos vou tentar fazer aqui depois falo o resultado

  • Posts no fórum: 57

19/02/2018, 17:27:05 via Web

Marcos boa tarde, poderia me ajuda, pois não estou conseguindo fazer a parte de recuperar as partições originais e instalar a xt1640

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

19/02/2018, 18:36:06 via Web

Ha algun tempo não uso ele então não tenho lembrança de toda as funções, dê uma olhada:
Nesses links


Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

21/02/2018, 18:38:45 via Web

Marcos essa é a room que da certo mais fica sem sinal de wifi e não reconhece os chipos


Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

22/02/2018, 23:50:10 via Web

Boa noite. Estava ausente.
Você conseguiu instalar o twrp? Na rom 1641 ou na 1640?

No outro post vc mostrou a passada da rom 1640.
Deu erro no boot e no recovery.

Se estiver com a 1640 instalada de o comando:
fastboot getvar all , para retornar as informações e print para vermos.

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

23/02/2018, 00:35:06 via Web

A 1641 funciona certo?
A 1640 da erro no boot e recovery certo?
Já tentou passar a 1640 e depois flashear só o boot e recovery da 1641 em cima para ver?

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

23/02/2018, 00:36:16 via Web

Boa noite, aquie esta.

Microsoft Windows [versão 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: moto-msm8952-B1.07
(bootloader) product: athene_16mp
(bootloader) board: athene_16mp
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: P2A
(bootloader) radio: 6
(bootloader) storage-type: emmc
(bootloader) emmc: 32GB SAMSUNG QX13MB RV=08 PV=07 FV=0000000000000007
(bootloader) ram: 2GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE=8Gb M5=01 M6=05 M7=00 M8=1F
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8952
(bootloader) serialno: 0024567397
(bootloader) cid: 0x0032
(bootloader) channelid: 0x19
(bootloader) uid: 45E9820100000000000000000000
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei: 354119078349412
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 08-15-2016
(bootloader) sku: XT1640
(bootloader) battid: SNN5966B
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time: "Wed Apr 27 23:29:44 UTC 2016"
(bootloader)[0]: motorola/unknown/unknown:6.0.1/MPJ
(bootloader)[1]: 24.139-13.1/1:user/release-keys
(bootloader)[0]: Blur_Version.24.14.1.athene.retai
(bootloader)[1]: l.en.US
(bootloader) LA.BR.1.3.3-02720-8976.0
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 3.10.84-g0498988-00001-g56
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: 0544a (hudsoncm@ilclbld53) (gcc version
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: 4.9.x-google 20140827 (prerelease) (GCC)
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 18 18:41:52 CD
(bootloader) kernel.version[4]: T 2016
(bootloader) sbl1.git: git=MBM-NG-VB1.07-0-g57d1343
(bootloader) rpm.git: git=MBM-NG-VB1.06-0-ga970ead
(bootloader) tz.git: git=69dd24b-dirty
(bootloader) hyp.git: git=69dd24b-dirty
(bootloader) keymaster.git: git=69dd24b-dirty
(bootloader) cmnlib.git: git=69dd24b-dirty
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-VB1.07-0-gf9b89ba
(bootloader) qe: qe 0/0
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: retbr
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.133s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

23/02/2018, 01:28:14 via Web

Esse é com a 1641?
A versão do bootloader é 07 atual.
Você conseguiu instalar o twrp?

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.

  • Posts no fórum: 57

23/02/2018, 01:30:49 via Web

Essa rom é a 1640, a rom 1641 pega mais não da sinal wifi e nem reconhece os chips, eu consegui instalar o twrp, mais não achei um tutorial pois não me lembro muito bem como funciona

  • Posts no fórum: 57

23/02/2018, 01:41:58 via Web

Olha como fica flasheando só o boot e o recovery da 1641
Microsoft Windows [versão 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash boot boot.img
< waiting for device >
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.532s]
writing 'boot'...
(bootloader) Image not signed or corrupt

OKAY [ 0.237s]
finished. total time: 0.771s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (16484 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.540s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) Image not signed or corrupt

OKAY [ 0.250s]
finished. total time: 0.794s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot reboot

finished. total time: 0.007s

D:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>

  • Posts no fórum: 57

23/02/2018, 01:49:35 via Web

Marcos a rom que da erro é a XT1640_ATHENE_NPJ25.93-14, ela aparece o logo na motorola e desliga e fica dando loop, a rom que da certo, porém fica sem sinal wifi e não reconhece os chips e a MotoG4_XT1641_XT1643_601_MPJ24.139-13.1, eu consegui instalar o twrp, mais não lembro como usa

Marcos Antonio
  • Posts no fórum: 391

23/02/2018, 01:55:10 via Web

No twrp vc tem de ir em wipe ou advanced wipe
E limpar
Wipe cache
Wipe dalvin cache
Wipe data e outros
Só o sistem que não pode.

Ai instala a 1640 athene.

Tem também a opção repair partition
Ai na lista vc vai reparando elas, sem mudar a formatação.

Nas informações do fastboot diz a versão do bootloader B1.07 que é recente.
Talvez a limpeza do dalvin cache e data resolva para aceitar a 1640.
Vc pode tentar isso, só não de wipe no sistem

Moto G-XT1032.
Moto G4 Plus XT1640.
Moto G5 Plus.
