Bob Drake

Nível 5 185 pontos para o nível seguinte
Curtidas recebidas 2
Comentários 26
Publicações no fórum 15
Dias conectado 11

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Comentário 10/06/2020 Huawei strikes deal with Dailymotion to fill YouTube gap (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 So long, AndroidPIT: it's time for a change (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted smartphone sales (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 In-display selfie camera mass production already underway in China (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 New tech promises to help men last up to 7x longer in bed (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 Goodbye Intel: Apple to announce change to ARM processors in June (+10 Pontos)
Comentário 10/06/2020 The best dating apps reviewed: Swipe and fall in love! (+10 Pontos)
Post no fórum 10/06/2020 RE: Anti COVID-ID App (+10 Pontos)
Post no fórum 10/06/2020 RE: Step by step instructions to Ensure You Have The Wedding Of Your Dreams (+10 Pontos)
Post no fórum 10/06/2020 RE: WhatsApp has over 600 million users: hey, is anybody not using WhatsApp? (+10 Pontos)